Doga Demirel

Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D.
School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma

Doga Demirel, Ph.D.

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), where I completed my thesis on design and development of virtual interactive simulations for surgical training. I received an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from UALR. During my time at UCA and UALR, I had the pleasure of working in the Virtual Reality, Simulation, Imaging and Modeling (ViRaSIM) Lab at UCA.

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and an affiliated faculty in the Data Science and Analytics Institute at the University of Oklahoma. Also, I am the founder and director of the Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab at OU. Before joining OU, I was an Asscoiate Professor and the Assistant Chair in the Department of Computer Science at Florida Polytechnic University.

Doga Demirel's faculty profile at University of Oklahoma


Here is an overview of my educational background.

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

  • Ph.D. in Integrated Computing, Computer Science
  • January 2016 - December 2018

University of Central Arkansas

  • M.Sc. in Applied Computing
  • August 2013 - December 2015

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

  • B.Sc. in Computer Science and Minor in Mathematics
  • August 2009 - May 2013


Here is an overview of my employment history.

University of Oklahoma, School of Computer Science

  • Associate Professor (August 2024 - Present)
  • Director, Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab

Florida Polytechnic University, Department of Computer Science

  • Associate Professor (August 2023 - August 2024)
  • Assistant Chair (July 2021 - August 2024)
  • Director, Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab
  • Assistant Professor (August 2019 - August 2023)

University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Department of Computer Science

  • Graduate Instructor (August 2018 - December 2018)
  • Research Assistant (January 2016 - December 2018)

University of Central Arkansas, Department of Computer Science

  • Graduate Assistant (August 2013 - December 2015)
  • Research Assistant (August 2013 - December 2019)


  • Internship (June 2012 - August 2012)


Courses Taught

University of Oklahoma

  • Undergraduate Courses Taught:
    1. CS 3323 - Principles of Programming Languages
    2. CS 3440 - Mentored Research Experience
    3. .....

Florida Polytechnic University

  • Undergraduate Courses Taught:
    1. COP 2271 - Introduction to Computation and Programming
    2. EGN 1007 - Career Design for STEM Disciplines
    3. CAP 4730 - Computer Graphics
    4. CEN 4065 - Software Design and Architecture
    5. CAP 4073 - Software Requirements Engineering
    6. CEN 4072 - Software Verification and Quality Assurance
    7. COP 4934 - Senior Design 1
    8. COP 4935 - Senior Design 2
  • Graduate Courses Taught:
    1. CAP 5701 - Advanced Graphics
    2. COP 5035 - Advanced Software Engineering

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

  • Undergraduate Courses Taught:
    1. CPSC 2382 - Computer Systems and Assembly Language


Current Grant Work

NIH (R01) - Physically Realistic Virtual Surgery (VORTeX)

VORTeX aims to develop a simulation system that enables Operating Room personnel to engage in collaborative training, leveraging virtual reality head-mounted displays. This novel approach to training aims to enhance non-technical skills through computer-generated simulation scenarios, thereby serving as a substitute for traditional physical training methods.

  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Videos
  • Donning and Doffing Simulator
  • Donning and Doffing Simulator using Reinforcement Learning
  • Rapid Sequence Intubation Simulator
  • Intensive Care Unit Simulator
  • .....

    NIH (R01) - Development and Validation of a Virtual Colorectal Surgical Trainer (VCoST)

    The objective of VCoST is to create a highly realistic and immersive simulation of five open Colorectal Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills tasks in a virtual environment, including handsewn anastomosis, straight colo-anal anastomosis, linear stapler anastomosis, ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, and rectal prolapse. All the simulators use a haptic interface and virtual reality to interact with the surgical simulations.

  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
  • Videos
  • Rectal Prolapse Simulator
  • End to end Handsewn Anastomosis Simulator
  • Straight Colo-anal Anastomosis Simulator
  • Ileal Pouch-anal Anastomosis Simulator
  • Linear Stapler Anastomosis Simulator
  • .....


    NIH (R01) - Development and Validation of a Virtual Bariatric Endoscopic (ViBE) Simulator

    The ViBE project aims to create a highly realistic simulation within an immersive 3D environment to facilitate Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) training. The simulator aims to utilize a custom haptic hardware interface and a virtual reality headset that will allow the clinician to interact with the virtual patient anatomy in a seamless manner.

  • FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
  • Indiana University School of Medicine
  • Videos
  • ViBE Simulator
  • .....

    NIH (R01) - Enhancing robotic head and neck surgical skills using stimulated simulation (VTORS)

    In Virtual Transoral Robotic Surgical (VTORS), we aim to design, develop, and validate the Virtual Transoral Robotic Surgical simulator. Within the simulator, the trainees will practice skills such as tissue manipulation, retraction, or dissection using electrocautery.

  • FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • .....

    NIH (R01) - Development and Validation of a Virtual Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Simulator (VLaHHS)

    For VLaHHS, we are working on developing a laparoscopic hiatal hernia simulator. This simulator will use haptic devices to interface with the simulator.

  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

    Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab.

    Current Members

    • Doga Demirel, Ph.D. - Director (2019 - present)
    • Dr. Demirel's research centers on the design, development, and utilization of medical and interactive simulations featuring authentic performance metrics to enhance training. These metrics provide objective, quantitative feedback that applies to real-world settings such as operating rooms, while utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to quantitate the user performance. Along with AI and ML, Dr. Demirel utilizes computer graphics, game development (including AR/VR/MR), Software Engineering, and Human-Computer Interaction (including Haptics) to enhance the field of medical simulation and interactive experiences.

      Doga Demirel's faculty profile at University of Oklahoma


    • Mark Ellis, B.Sc. - Research Scientist (2023 - present)
    • Mark studied for a BSc in Computer Science from Florida Polytechnic University graduating in 2022. His focus was on game design, simulation, and virtual reality. Mark is currently working as a Research Scientist at Florida Polytechnic and has worked on the development of several VR simulations for the Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab. These simulations include: End-to-End Anastomosis, Rectal Prolapse, Illeal Pouch Anastomosis, Linear Stapler Anastomosis, and Crural Repair.

    • Jacob R. Barker, M.Sc. - Ph.D. Student in Computer Science (2024 - present), Lab Member (2020 - present)
    • Jacob Barker is a computer scientist with a passion for game design and simulation. He has a strong background in VR development that has allowed me to create immersive training programs that leverage the unique strengths the virtual world offers. Outside of his professional pursuits he found himself drawn to the recent developments in AI technologies. He has built his own system that’s capable of running large language models for personal use.

    • Dervishan Sezer, B.Sc. - M.Sc. Student in Data Science and Analytics (2023 - present)
    • Dervişhan Sezer holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Education and Instructional Technology from Boğaziçi University, where he specialized in developing educational applications using Unity. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science and Analytics at the University of Oklahoma and working as a Graduate Research Assistant in the VRISB Lab. As part of the Virtual Trans Oral Robotic Surgery (VTORS) project, a training simulator, he focuses on utilizing Unity and iMSTK, while integrating his skills in machine learning and data analytics.

    • Doruk Ayhan, B.Sc. - M.Sc. Student in Computer Science (2024 - present)
    • Doruk Ayhan joined VRISB after graduating from Purdue University as a computer engineer. He focuses on the software side of things, "things" currently being endoscopy techniques and simulation, and he loves to ponder the inner workings of everything he sees.



    • Utku Erden, “Virtual Reality-based Bariatric Endoscopy Simulator”, Summer 2024
    • Yasar Can Kakdas, “Virtual Reality-Based Rapid Sequence Intubation”, Spring 2024
    • George Westergaard, “Virtual Colorectal Surgical Trainer: Open Surgery Suture-Based Anastomoses”, Spring 2024
    • Hogea Razvan Ioan, “Augmented Reality Labs: Immersive Learning in Chemistry”, Fall 2023
    • Chinmoy Modak, "Effects of Gaming in Virtual Reality- Based Surgical Gentleness Training Platform", Fall 2022
    • Jordan Jones, "LSTM for Bitcoin Price Prediction", Spring 2022
    • Jason Smith, "Utilizing H2xE to Map Large Hyperbolic Spaces into Smaller Euclidean Virtual Reality Space", Spring 2022
    • Douglas Burnside, "Utilizing Virtual Reality to Create a Donning and Doffing Simulation", Spring 2022.
    • Jacob R. Barker, "Virtual Colo-Anal Anastomosis Surgery Trainer", Spring 2022.
    • James Dials, "Towards an Automated Endoscopist Evaluation Platform", Fall 2021.

    Research Scientists Sponsored

    • Mark Ellis, 2023-Present
    • Jacob R. Barker, 2022-2024
    • James Dials, 2022-2023


    VRISB Lab at I/ITSEC 2022.

    Available Opportunities

      Graduate Research Positions Available!

      Currently looking for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students to work on design and development of surgical simulations.

      Funding will be for Tuittion and Stipend.

      Basic Qualifications:

    • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field.
    • Must satisfy the admission requirements for a graduate CS degree at OU.
    • Solid background in Unity or Unreal.
    • (if M.Sc.) wants to pursue a Ph.D.
    • Additional Qualifications:

    • Experience in Softbody simulations.
    • Experience in WebGL.
    • Haptics Programming.
    • Shader Programming.
    • Artificial Intelligence.
    • Applicants should send the following documents to doga [at]

    • Resume
    • Supporting Documents such as github repository, YouTube links,...
    • Undergraduate Research Positions Available!

      Funding will be hourly compensation.

      Basic Qualifications:

    • Currently enrolled at OU.
    • Wants to pursue an M.Sc. & Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at OU.
    • Solid background in Unity.
    • Applicants should send the following documents to doga [at]

    • Resume
    • Supporting Documents such as github repository, YouTube links,...


      *Denotes students/research assistants under the supervision of Dr. Demirel.

      Journal Publications:

      1. G. Westergaard*, A. Desir, J. Barker*, T. Halic, S.R. Hegde, A. Al Abbas, J.S. Pogacnik, J.W. Fleshman, G. Sankaranarayanan, S. De, D. Demirel, "Validity of a virtual reality-based straight coloanal anastomosis simulator", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2024.
      2. U. Erden*, M.A. Gromski, S. De, D. Demirel, "Preliminary Validation of the Virtual Bariatric Endoscopic Simulator", iGIE, 2024,
      3. A. Desir, P. Pourghaderi, S.R. Hegde, D. Demirel, J.S. Pogacnik, S. De, J.W. Fleshman, G. Sankaranarayanan, "Validity of task-specific metrics for assessment in perineal proctectomy", Surgical Endoscopy, vol: 38, pp. 5319-5330, 2024,
      4. Y. Kakdas*, S. Kockara, T. Halic, D. Demirel, “Enhancing Medical Training through Learning from Mistakes by Interacting with an Ill-trained Reinforcement Learning Agent,” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 17, pp. 1248-1260, 2024,
      5. J. Dials*, D. Demirel, R. Sanchez-Arias, T. Halic, S. De, M. Gromski, “Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: Location and Task Classification for Evaluation Using Artificial Intelligence,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 635-644, 2024.
      6. J. Dials*, D. Demirel, R. Sanchez-Arias, T. Halic, U. Kruger, S. De, M. Gromski, “Skill Level Classification and Performance Evaluation for Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty,” Surgical Endoscopy, pp. 4754–4765, 2023,
      7. D. Demirel, B. Palmer, G. Sundberg, B. Karaman, T. Halic, S. Kockara, N. Kockara, M.E. Rogers, S. Ahmadi, “Scoring metrics for assessing skills in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: performance comparison study of novice and expert surgeons,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 1823–1835, 2022,
      8. G. Sankaranarayanan, L.M. Parker, K. Jacinto, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. De, J. Fleshman, “Development and Validation of Task-Specific Metrics for the Assessment of Linear Stapler-Based Small Bowel Anastomosis,” Journal of the American College of Surgeons (6):p 881-893, 2022,
      9. G. Sankaranarayanan, L.M. Parker, A. Khan, J. Dials*, D. Demirel, T. Halic, A. Crawford, U. Kruger, S. De, J. Fleshman, “Objective metrics for hand-sewn bowel anastomoses can differentiate novice from expert surgeons,” Surgical Endoscopy, 1282-1292, 2023,
      10. J. Dials*, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. De, A. Ryason, S. Kundumadam, M. Al-Haddad, M.A. Gromski, “Hierarchical Task Analysis of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty,” Surgical Endoscopy, Volume 36, Issue 7, 5167-5182, 2021,
      11. D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, T. Halic, S. Kockara, D. Reiners, S. Ahmadi, S. Arikatla, “A partition-based optimization model and its performance benchmark for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 119, 103695, 2020,
      12. J. Farmer, D. Demirel, R. Erol, D. Ahmadi, T. Halic, S. Kockara, S. Arikatla, K. Sexton, S. Ahmadi, “Systematic approach for content and construct validation: Case studies for arthroscopy and laparoscopy,” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 16:e2105, 2020,
      13. D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, T. Halic, S. Kockara, S. Ahmadi, “Partition-based Optimization Model for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language (POM-GAML)”. BMC Bioinformatics Volume 20, Issue 2, 99-114, 2019,
      14. O. Topsakal, M. Akbas, D. Demirel, R. Nunez, B. Smith, M. Perez, M. Celikoyar, “Digitizing rhinoplasty: a web application with three-dimensional preoperative evaluation to assist rhinoplasty surgeons with surgical planning”. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Volume 15, Issue 11, 1941–1950 2020,
      15. D. Qi, E. Petrusa, U. Kruger, N. Milef, M. Rassoul Abu-Nuwar, M. Haque, R. Lim, D.B. Jones, M. Turkseven, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. De, N. Saillant, “Surgeons With Five or More Actual Cricothyrotomies Perform Significantly Better on a Virtual Reality Simulator”, Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 252, 247-254, 2020,
      16. B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, S. N. Stavropoulos, D. Jones, “A Task and Performance Analysis of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Surgery,”. Surgical Endoscopy, Volume 33, Issue 2, 592-606, 2018,
      17. D. Demirel, A. Yu, S. Baer-Cooper, T. Halic, and C. Bayrak, “Generative Anatomy Modeling Language (GAML),” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Volume 13, Issue 4, 2017,
      18. D. Demirel, A. Yu, S. Baer-Cooper, A. Dendukuri, T. Halic, S. Kockara, N. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “A hierarchical task analysis of shoulder arthroscopy for a virtual arthroscopic tear diagnosis and evaluation platform (VATDEP),” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2017,
      19. D. Demirel, K. L. Butler, T. Halic, G. Sankaranarayanan, D. Spindler, C. Cao, E. Petrusa, M. Molina, D. Jones, S. De, and M. DeMoya, “A Hierarchical Task Analysis of Cricothyroidotomy Procedure for a Virtual Airway Skills Trainer Simulator,” American Journal of Surgery, Volume 212, 475-484, 2016,

      Publications in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings:

      1. Y. Kakdas*, D. Demirel, J. Barker*, T. Halic, J. Keane, J. Mitchell, S. Jones, D.B. Jones, S. De, C. Jackson, “Virtual Reality-Based Donning and Doffing Simulator,” 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2024, pp. 214-222,
      2. H. Razvan*, T. Olin, B. Karaman, D. Demirel, “Augmented Reality Labs: Immersive Learning in Chemistry”, 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Learning and Collaborative Technologies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14724, 155-172, 2024,
      3. A. Desir, P.Pourghaderi, D. Demirel, J.S. Pogacnik, S. De, G. Sankaranarayanan, J. W. Fleshman, “Validation Of Task-Specific Metrics For Assessment Of Performance In Perineal Proctectomy”, 2024 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), 2024
      4. A. Desir, P.Pourghaderi, D. Demirel, J.S. Pogacnik, S. De, G. Sankaranarayanan, J. W. Fleshman, “Assessment of a Novel Inanimate Rectal Prolapse Model for Training in Altemeier Procedure Through Perceived Workload Differences between Expert and Novices”, 2024 Annual Meeting of the Association for Surgical Education, 2024
      5. A. Desir, G. Westergaard*, L. Fair, F. Lambreton, P.Pourghaderi, D. Demirel, J.S. Pogacnik, S. De, G. Sankaranarayanan, J. W. Fleshman, “Virtual Reality Straight Coloanal Anastomosis Simulator Automatically Differentiates Between Expert and Novice Users”, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) Annual Scientific Meeting, 2024
      6. A. Dendukuri, M. Tunc, D. Demirel, S. Kockara, T. Halic, “Unified Framework for real-time fluid simulation in Virtual Rotator Cuff Arthroscopic Skill Trainer (VIRCAST)”, 2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2023, pp. 346-353,
      7. D. Demirel, H.O. Keles, C. Modak*, K. K. Basturk, T. Halic “Multimodal Approach to Assess a Virtual Reality-based Surgical Training Platform,” 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 430-440, 2023,
      8. D. Demirel, J. Smith*, S. Kockara, T. Halic “GPU based Position Based Dynamics for Surgical Simulators,” 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 81-88, 2023,
      9. W. Kwabla, F. Dinc, S. Kockara, T. Halic, D. Demirel, S. Arikatla, S. Ahmadi, “Evaluation of WebRTC in the Cloud for Surgical Simulations: A case study on Virtual Rotator Cuff Arthroscopic Skill Trainer (ViRCAST),” 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 127-143, 2023,
      10. M. Emaduddin, T. Halic, D. Demirel, C. Bayrak, V. Arikatla, S. De, “Specular Reflection Removal for 3D Reconstruction of Tissues using Endoscopy Videos,” IEEE SoutheastCon 2023, 246-252,
      11. U. Erden*, D. Demirel, O. Toker, S. De, M. A. Gromski, “Development of a Virtual Reality-based Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Simulator,” The American Journal of Gastroenterology 118(10S):p S1231, October 2023. |
      12. D. Demirel, Y. Kakdas*, J. Barker*, J. Keane, J. Mitchell, S. Jones, D. Jones, S. De, C. Jackson, “Donning and Doffing Simulator for Healthcare Workers Caring for COVID-19 Patients,” 2023 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), p293,
      13. D. Demirel, Y. Kakdas*, J. Barker*, V. Brady, M. Hayes, S. De, C. Jackson, “Central Venous Catheter Preparation Virtual Reality Simulator for the care of COVID-19 Patients,” 2023 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES),
      14. A. Desir, G. Sankaranarayanan, L. Fair, D. Demirel, J. Pogancik, S. De, J. Fleshman, “Development of Performance Metrics for Automated Assessment of Coloanal Anastomosis Using the Joel Baker Technique,” American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting
      15. S. Hegde, G. Sankaranarayanan, D. Demirel, T. Halic, J. Salgado S. De, J. Fleshman, “Development and Expert Consensus on Performance Metrics for Automated Assessment of Perineal Proctectomy for Rectal Prolapse,” Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Volume 235, Issue 5, p S44, 2022, doi: 10.1097/01.XCS.0000893240.73064.c8
      16. D. Demirel, A. Hamam, “Design of a Virtual Reality based Pedagogical Framework,” 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 38-47, 2022,
      17. O. Toker, B. Karaman, D. Demirel, “A paper-based keyboard using ArUco codes: ArUco Keyboard,” 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 195-208, 2022,
      18. D. Ben-Zaken, A. Hamam, D. Demirel, “User Movement for Safety Training in a Virtual Chemistry Lab,” 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 3-13 2022,
      19. J. Jones*, D. Demirel, “Long Short-Term Memory for Bitcoin Price Prediction,” 6th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM 2022) Association for Computing Machinery, 25-30,
      20. A. Dubs, V.C. Andrade, M. Ellis, B. Karaman, D. Demirel, A.J. Alnaser, O. Toker, “Drive Vehicle by Head Movements: An Advanced Driver Assistance System Using Facial Landmarks and Pose,” 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 502-505, 2022,
      21. A. Al Abbas, S. Hegde, G. Sanakaranarayanan, D. Demirel, T. Halic, J.S. Pagacnik, S. De, J.W. Fleshman, “Development of Structured Objective Metrics for Automated Assessment of Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis”, Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, Volume: 65, Issue: 5, 128-129, 2022
      22. S. Hegde, A. Al Abbas, G. Sanakaranarayanan, D. Demirel, T. Halic, J.S. Pagacnik, S. De, J.W. Fleshman, “Development and Expert Consensus of Performance Metrics for Automated Assessment of Stapled Straight Coloanal Anastomosis”, Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, Volume: 65, Issue: 5, 129-129, 2022
      23. S. Shedage, J. Farmer, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. Kockara, V. Arikatla, K. Sexton, S. Ahmadi, “Development of Virtual Skill Trainers and Their Validation Study Analysis Using Machine Learning,” In the Proceedings of the 2021 the 5th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM 2021). Association for Computing Machinery, 8-13,
      24. T. Qi, X. Sun, A. Ryason, J. Barker*, D. Demirel, T. Halic, G. Sankaranarayanan, S. De, J. Fleshman, “An Efficient Simulation Approach for Virtual Interactive Colorectal Anastomosis,” 2021 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
      25. M. Harris, A. Ryason, D. Burnside*, D. Demirel, T. Halic, Y. Wang, A. Abouzeid, S. De, J. Keane, C. Guglielmi, A. Johansson, C. Jackson, B. Nasri, S. Adra, J. Mitchell, S. Jones, D. Jones, “Immersive Virtual Operating Room Team Experience (VORTeX©) Simulator for Tension Pneumothorax,” 2021 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
      26. T. Kaulfers, D. Burnside*, M. Harris, A. Ryason, D. Demirel, T. Halic, T. Qi, S. De, J. Keane, C. Guglielmi, C. Jackson, S. Jones, L. Zucco, D. Jones, “Virtual Reality Simulator and Cognitive Task Trainer For Handling COVID-19 Infected Patients,” 2021 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
      27. D. Demirel, A. Hamam, C. Scott, B. Karaman, O. Toker, L. Pena*, “Towards a new chemistry learning platform with virtual reality and haptics,” 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 253-267, 2021,
      28. J. Farmer, M. Tunc, D. Ahmadi, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. Arikatla, S. Kockara S. Ahmadi, “Virtual rotator cuff arthroscopic skill trainer: Results and analysis of a preliminary subject study,” In Proceedings of the 2020 the 4th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, 139-143,
      29. B. Cetinsaya, J. Dials*, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. De, M. Gromski, D. Rex, “Comparison study of deep learning models for colorectal lesions classification,” In Proceedings of the 2020 the 4th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, 84-88,
      30. B. Palmer, G. Sundberg, J. Dials*, B. Karaman, D. Demirel, M. Abid, T. Halic, S. Ahmadi, “Arthroscopic Tool Classification using Deep Learning,” In Proceedings of the 2020 the 4th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, 96-99,
      31. T. Halic, S. De, J. Dials*, M.A. Gromski, D. Demirel, A. Ryason, A. Gilmore, M.A. Al-Haddad, S. Kundumadam, “S1191: Task Analysis and Performance Metrics of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: Preparation for Virtual Simulation Development,” The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2020 - Volume 115 - Issue - p S595, 10.14309/01.ajg.0000706812.30100.05
      32. D. Demirel, S. Baer-Cooper, J. Farmer, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Optimization for Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff using Generative Anatomy Modeling Language,” 2018 Midsouth Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS XV), 2018.
      33. D. Qi, U. Kruger, N. Milef, E. Petrusa, M. Turkseven, D. Demirel, T. Halic, D. Jones, S. Dem N. Saillant, “Establishing Novice and Expert Groups to Assess a Virtual Reality Simulator for Rare and Emergent Surgical Procedures”, 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Surgical Eucation (ASE), 2018.
      34. D. Demirel, A. Yu, S. Baer-Cooper, T. Halic, S. Kockara, N. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Difficulty Scenario Modeling for Virtual Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff With GAML,” Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering Conference, vol. 2, pp. 814-817, 2017.
      35. D. Demirel, A. Yu, S. Baer-Cooper, T. Halic, S. Kockara, N. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Difficulty Scenario Modeling for Virtual Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff With GAML,” 101st Arkansas Academy of Science, 2017.
      36. B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, M. Turkseven, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, D. Jones, “Design of Virtual Endolumenal Surgery Simulator (VESS): Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Training Module,” World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG, 2017
      37. C. Jackson, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, D. B. Jones, B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, S. De, “A Cognitive Task Analysis Approach Toward the Design of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection,” Surgical Endoscopy, 2018, 32: Supplement 1
      38. B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, S. N. Stavropoulos, D. Jones, “A Task and Performance Analysis of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Surgery,” Surgical Endoscopy, 2018, 32: Supplement 1
      39. Z. Xia, T. Halic, S. Lee, B. Cetinsaya, M. Gromski, D. Demirel, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, D. Jones, S. De, “The Development of a Virtual Simulator for Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD),” Surgical Endoscopy, 2018, 32: Supplement 1
      40. D. Demirel, S. Baer-Cooper, J. Farmer, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Virtual Arthroscopic Tear Diagnosis and Evaluation Platform (VATDEP),” Arkansas INBRE, 2017.
      41. D. Demirel, S. Baer-Cooper, J. Farmer, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Optimization for Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff using Generative Anatomy Modeling Language,” Arkansas INBRE, 2017.
      42. M. Tunc, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Dynamic Voxelization for Virtual Rotator Cuff Surgery,” Arkansas INBRE, 2017.
      43. B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, S. N. Stavropoulos, D. Jones, “Virtual Endoluminal Surgery Simulator,” Arkansas INBRE, 2017.
      44. D. Demirel, A. Yu, T. Halic, G. Sankaranarayanan, A. Ryason, D. Spindler, K. L. Butler, C. Caroline, E. Petrusa, M. Molina, D. Jones, S. De, M. Demoya, S. Jones, “Virtual Airway Skills Trainer (VAST) Simulator,” Med. Meets Virtual Real. 22 NextMedMMVR22, Volume 220, 91-97, 2016, doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-625-5-91.
      45. D. Demirel, A. Yu, S. Baer-Cooper, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Time and video analysis of Virtual Arthroscopic Tear Diagnosis and Evaluation Platform,” 2016 Midsouth Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS XIII), 2016.
      46. A. Yu, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “Dynamic Voxelization for Virtual Rotator Cuff Surgery,” 2016 Midsouth Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS XIII), 2016.
      47. A. Yu, D. Demirel, T. Halic, and S. Kockara, “Virtual Intraoperative Cholangiogram Using WebCL,” Med. Meets Virtual Real. 22 NextMedMMVR22, vol. 220, p. 459, 2016, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-625-5-459.
      48. D. Demirel, A. Yu, T. Halic, S. Kockara, “Parallel Continuous Collision Detection for Surgery Simulations with WebCL,” 13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics.
      49. A. Yu, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. Kockara, “Virtual Cholangiogram,” 13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics.
      50. D. Demirel, A. Yu, T. Halic, and S. Kockara, “Parallel Continuous Collision Detection with WebCL,” 2015 Midsouth Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS XII), 2015.
      51. D. Demirel, A. Yu, S. Baer-Cooper, A. Dendukuri, T. Halic, S. Kockara, and S. Ahmadi, “A hierarchical task analysis of a Virtual Arthroscopic Tear Diagnosis and Evaluation Platform (VATDEP),” Arkansas INBRE, 2015.
      52. D. Demirel, A. Yu, T. Halic, and S. Kockara, “Web based camera navigation for virtual pancreatic cancer surgery: Whipple surgery simulator (VPanSS),” in 2014 IEEE Innovations in Technology Conference (InnoTek), 2014, 1–8, doi: 10.1109/InnoTek.2014.6877375.
      53. T. Halic, S. Kockara, D. Demirel, M. Willey, “MoMiReS: Mobile mixed reality system for physical & occupational therapies for hand and wrist ailments,” in 2014 IEEE Innovations in Technology Conference (InnoTek), 2014, 1–6, doi: 10.1109/InnoTek.2014.6877376.