I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), where I completed my thesis on design and development of virtual interactive simulations for surgical training. I received an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from UALR. During my time at UCA and UALR, I had the pleasure of working in the Virtual Reality, Simulation, Imaging and Modeling (ViRaSIM) Lab at UCA.
I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and an affiliated faculty in the Data Science and Analytics Institute at the University of Oklahoma. Also, I am the founder and director of the Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab at OU. Before joining OU, I was an Asscoiate Professor and the Assistant Chair in the Department of Computer Science at Florida Polytechnic University.
Here is an overview of my educational background.
Here is an overview of my employment history.
Courses Taught
VORTeX aims to develop a simulation system that enables Operating Room personnel to engage in collaborative training, leveraging virtual reality head-mounted displays. This novel approach to training aims to enhance non-technical skills through computer-generated simulation scenarios, thereby serving as a substitute for traditional physical training methods.
The objective of VCoST is to create a highly realistic and immersive simulation of five open Colorectal Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills tasks in a virtual environment, including handsewn anastomosis, straight colo-anal anastomosis, linear stapler anastomosis, ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, and rectal prolapse. All the simulators use a haptic interface and virtual reality to interact with the surgical simulations.
The ViBE project aims to create a highly realistic simulation within an immersive 3D environment to facilitate Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) training. The simulator aims to utilize a custom haptic hardware interface and a virtual reality headset that will allow the clinician to interact with the virtual patient anatomy in a seamless manner.
In Virtual Transoral Robotic Surgical (VTORS), we aim to design, develop, and validate the Virtual Transoral Robotic Surgical simulator. Within the simulator, the trainees will practice skills such as tissue manipulation, retraction, or dissection using electrocautery.
For VLaHHS, we are working on developing a laparoscopic hiatal hernia simulator. This simulator will use haptic devices to interface with the simulator.
Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab.
Dr. Demirel's research centers on the design, development, and utilization of medical and interactive simulations featuring authentic performance metrics to enhance training. These metrics provide objective, quantitative feedback that applies to real-world settings such as operating rooms, while utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to quantitate the user performance. Along with AI and ML, Dr. Demirel utilizes computer graphics, game development (including AR/VR/MR), Software Engineering, and Human-Computer Interaction (including Haptics) to enhance the field of medical simulation and interactive experiences.
Doga Demirel's faculty profile at University of Oklahoma
Mark studied for a BSc in Computer Science from Florida Polytechnic University graduating in 2022. His focus was on game design, simulation, and virtual reality. Mark is currently working as a Research Scientist at Florida Polytechnic and has worked on the development of several VR simulations for the Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation, and Biomedical (VRISB) Lab. These simulations include: End-to-End Anastomosis, Rectal Prolapse, Illeal Pouch Anastomosis, Linear Stapler Anastomosis, and Crural Repair.
Jacob Barker is a computer scientist with a passion for game design and simulation. He has a strong background in VR development that has allowed me to create immersive training programs that leverage the unique strengths the virtual world offers. Outside of his professional pursuits he found himself drawn to the recent developments in AI technologies. He has built his own system that’s capable of running large language models for personal use.
Dervişhan Sezer holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Education and Instructional Technology from Boğaziçi University, where he specialized in developing educational applications using Unity. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science and Analytics at the University of Oklahoma and working as a Graduate Research Assistant in the VRISB Lab. As part of the Virtual Trans Oral Robotic Surgery (VTORS) project, a training simulator, he focuses on utilizing Unity and iMSTK, while integrating his skills in machine learning and data analytics.
Doruk Ayhan joined VRISB after graduating from Purdue University as a computer engineer. He focuses on the software side of things, "things" currently being endoscopy techniques and simulation, and he loves to ponder the inner workings of everything he sees.
VRISB Lab at I/ITSEC 2022.
*Denotes students/research assistants under the supervision of Dr. Demirel.